In 1930, Animation Veteran, Dick Huemer created TOBY THE PUP for Producer, Charles Mintz, who was attempting to imitate the success of Walt Disney’s MICKEY MOUSE. The resemblance to characters from the Fleischer Studio is no surprise since Huemer set the style in 1924.
From 1930 to 1931, 12 TOBY THE PUP cartoons were distributed by RKO. While 1/2 are known to survive at the time of this release, the search continues. This program represents what is currently available.
- THE MUSEUM (1930) Complete Version
- CIRCUS TIME (1931)
- THE MILKMAN (1931)
- DOWN SOUTH (1931)
- HALLOWEEN (1931)
Bonus Feature: The documentary, HUEMERESQUE with son, Dr. Richard P. Huemer
- Running time approximately 60 minutes
- Color/Black and White
- Not Rated
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